About Us

Next Chapter Branding

We help you turn the page and start a new chap­ter of your life—one filled with pur­pose, pas­sion, and a brand that tru­ly rep­re­sents who you are.

At Next Chap­ter Brand­ing, we spe­cial­ize in empow­er­ing solo and microbusi­ness own­ers with teams of 10 or few­er to craft stand­out brands that res­onate deeply with their tar­get audi­ences. Whether you’re start­ing fresh after rais­ing a fam­i­ly, retir­ing, or sim­ply fol­low­ing a long-held dream, we’re here to help you trans­form your vision into a mean­ing­ful and suc­cess­ful brand.

We under­stand the unique chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties of start­ing and grow­ing a pas­sion-based busi­ness. Our mis­sion is to guide you in dis­cov­er­ing who you are and what you have to offer the world, trans­lat­ing your sto­ry and val­ues into an authen­tic brand identity.

What We Do

We pro­vide per­son­al­ized brand con­sult­ing ser­vices that cover:

  • Mes­sag­ing and Sto­ry­telling: Craft a brand sto­ry that con­nects and resonates.
  • Visu­al Brand­ing: Cre­ate a unique and mem­o­rable brand identity.
  • Strate­gic Guid­ance: Avoid com­mon pit­falls and posi­tion your brand for growth.

In addi­tion to one-on-one con­sult­ing, we’ve devel­oped the ‘Brain­storm Your Brand’ series—a col­lec­tion of e‑books, work­books, cours­es, and plan­ners designed to help you build a strong foun­da­tion for your brand at your own pace.

Our Philosophy

We believe that every busi­ness own­er has a unique sto­ry to tell and a spe­cial val­ue to share with the world. That’s why we focus on help­ing you build authen­tic rela­tion­ships with your audi­ence, empha­siz­ing con­nec­tion and com­mu­ni­ty over cor­po­rate pol­ish. Our approach is gen­uine, pas­sion­ate, and a bit unconventional—embracing cre­ativ­i­ty with­out the con­straints of main­stream brands.

Why Choose Us

Next Chap­ter Brand­ing is more than just a brand­ing com­pa­ny; we’re a part­ner in your jour­ney to redis­cov­er­ing your pas­sions and cre­at­ing a busi­ness that aligns with your dreams. Our empha­sis on build­ing com­mu­ni­ty and fos­ter­ing mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships ensures that your brand doesn’t just stand out—it stands for something.

Who We Serve

We’re proud to serve a diverse group of clients, with a spe­cial focus on those who are:

  • Start­ing a busi­ness as part of the next chap­ter in their lives.
  • Pas­sion­ate about their work and com­mit­ted to mak­ing an impact.
  • Look­ing to con­nect with their audi­ence on a deep­er level.

Whether you’re a writer, coach, con­sul­tant, cre­ative, or some­one with a big idea, Next Chap­ter Brand­ing is here to help you build a brand that inspires and endures.

Let’s start your next chap­ter together. 

Meet the Team

The cre­ative force behind Next Chap­ter Brand­ing. Shon­da is a cer­ti­fied micro-busi­ness brand­ing strate­gist, free­lance cre­ative, writer, best­selling author, and proud pet par­ent to her love­able “dogter,” Lil­ly Lucy Rose—who, well, has more issues than Vogue.

With over 20 years of expe­ri­ence as a busi­ness men­tor and coach, Shon­da has helped solo and micro-busi­ness own­ers craft stand­out brands that are as unique and vibrant as they are.

Her approach? A per­fect blend of authen­tic­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and just the right amount of fun to make brand­ing feel like an adven­ture worth taking!

The inspi­ra­tion behind Next Chap­ter Brand­ing, Lynn’s a free­lance con­tent cre­ator and street pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a knack for cap­tur­ing life’s most authen­tic moments. An avid base­ball fan, she brings the same pas­sion for the game to every­thing she creates.

When she’s not behind the lens or craft­ing con­tent, she’s off seek­ing adven­ture with her lov­ing (and end­less­ly patient) wife and their mul­ti­cul­tur­al K‑9, Lilly.

After more than 22 years as a cor­po­rate leader for inter­na­tion­al com­pa­nies, Lynn decid­ed it was time to chart her own course. Now, she’s doing things her way —bold­ly, authen­ti­cal­ly, and with a whole lot of heart.

Office man­ag­er, Princess Lil­ly Lucy Rose Tay­lor­Ber­ry, H.R.H. Her Roy­al Hound­ness and mind­set maven keeps us on task by demand­ing we take mul­ti­ple men­tal breaks for walks., play­time and tum­my rubs.

She’s the inspi­ra­tion behind our MCK9 blog and brand of print-on-demand items.